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For Emerging Female Leaders in Nursing - Ask to be Nominated

I've taught in nursing programs for 19 years now. I have had the privilege of supporting both male and female nurses alike at all levels, from the frontline provider through the faculty level.  During that time, I've noticed one key difference between male and female* nurses

Male nurses ask to be nominated for various opportunities. Women wait to be recognized.

There is no reason for this to happen. Those of us in positions to nominate people for opportunities or recognition should be more mindful of working toward a gender balance in our nomination practices. Our potential nominees also need to ask to be nominated.

Don't think you aren't ready.

Don't wait to be recognized.  Ask.  Sometimes people don't nominate you because they aren't aware of your work or accomplishments.

Find people who will nominate you even when others say "you aren't ready."

Asking to be nominated for awards is not being egotistical. It's saying the work you do is worthy of recognition--especially when the impact is really clear.

*I use the gender binary because I have not yet had an openly transgender or gender non-binary student.  I am hoping the time will come soon.


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