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Showing posts from October, 2015

Job Security

This is a great c omprehensive report about current US nursing workforce issues . It gets a lot right and few things wrong. Yes, 1/3 of US RNs will retire by 2020 but many of them are concentrated in selected states.  The million nurse shortage coming our way by 2030 will be concentrated in 16 states and most of those are in the South, South West, and Midwest. Most coastal locations will actually have surpluses of nurses. Job hunting advice: If you want your first choice job right out of school, be prepared to move. You can do anything for two years and get solid experience. Have a friend go with you and start a new adventure somewhere you wouldn't have thought to live before.  You never know what might happen!  With solid work experience, you can always move to your preferred location down the road.
